Sun 05 Jan
»——» ♥[1OO% REAL] »——» [* BLONDE* BOMBSHELL * ] »——» [HOT & SEXY]♥ ——» AVAiLABLE NOW! - 23
(Detroit, 14 AND I75 PiNk "N" JuIcY ♥ 70*90*160)
Hi babe We are ready for You 2 NEW To Never Seen💦💦💦💦💦2 big booties 💦2 Always better - 20
((Plymouth telegraph), Detroit, Southfield / West)
- E ✦ X ✦ O T I C - 25
Gorgeous PLAYmate *~*~*~*~ Perfect Relaxation *~*~*~*~ Call Now *~*~*~ - 25
(German Town Incalls/Outcalls)
👠!!🎁❣💋Ōütçall Onlÿ👠!!🎁💋❤️!!🅰1️⃣ Best Choice 🚺💋O U T C A L L ONLY📍Available All Night📍 - 21
(Modesto, Modesto, Ceres Patterson All Areas !)
Stacy Jade here in town! Chocolate Bunny🍫🐰 UPSCALE Independent Provider available now💋 - 20
(City of San Jose, San Jose & surroundings, San Jose / South Bay)
💞💖Çãñ Ï Çõm€ P£ãŷ👠💋 Sexy Young Sweet🍭💎 Portuguese🌹💦Si Hablo Espanol - 23
(East Bay, Pleasanton, Pleasanton Dublin San Ramon)
🌽🍅🍏🍑🍊🍋🍉🍍🍇🍌🍓🍈🍒 WeLL ReVieWed 🌽🍅🍏🍑🍊🍋🍉🍍 INCALL IN TOWN 🍉🍍🍇🍌🍓🍈🍒🌽🍅 YounGest & Hi-Q 🌽🍅🍏🍑🍊🍋🍉🍍🍇🍌🍓🍈🍒 - 22
(East Bay, Hayward, Oakland San Leandro fremont)
Make $2,500 per week with the World Leader in Adult, VIVID Entertainment ◄ ◄ ◄
(Florida Keys, Ft Lauderdale, Miami, West Palm Beach, Work From Home)
ThIcK + BusTy + KiNky LatiNa ** FeTisH FrIeNdLy ** NoT YouR AdveragE BORING EscorT - 25
(Miami Shores)
💛💕Sexy💁🏼Unique Upscale Latina👑highly Skilled✨Best iN Town🌻💖Hot tight & ready👅💦Text/Call📞 - 21
(Anywhere outcall/79st incall, Miami, North)
(( NEW- BUSTY BABE ))* * * ( €xOT¡C • V¡X€n ) ( « G¡RL - N€xT-DoOR » ) ( SuP€r • S€xY! ) - 24
(Miami, South Miami in calls and outcalls)
▉ ▌💋 ℒ e t ' s _ ℳ a k e _ ℳ a g i c 💋 ▃ SuPeR SeXy 💃LaTinA 💕 HeRe To PLeAse 💑💕 CALL NOW 📲💕 - 23
(East Bay, Pleasanton Dublin San Ramon CALL NOW💕💕)
[[ *DANGEROUSLY *]]__[[* NASTY &FREAKY;*]] __ __ [[* # 1 INDIAN HOTTIE ]] - 21
(East Bay, Saleandro Incall All Eastbay Outcall)
↬✦L00K $80 💰💰 OUTCALL SPECIALS!!! BluE eyeZ biG BooTy CUBANITA 💋 ⓔⓧⓣⓡⓔⓜⓔⓛⓨ 👅 ⓣⓐⓛⓔⓝⓣⓔⓓ👍 - 24
($80 OUTCALLS MIAMI, Downtown, Miami)
👑🌹🌹120hh incall special🌹🌹👑💦💦slippery seductive Puerto Rican ready to assist you💦💦 - 21
(East Bay, 👣💋💫Pinole INCALLs only 👣💋💘)
DELICIOSAS cubanitas 7869083554 carinosas - 24
(Coral Way, Doral, Downtown, Hialeah, Miami, Miami Beach, MIAMI DORAL BRIKELL M.BEACH HALEAH)
Attention 📢special 📢 Exotic Big Booty Freak.. 👅💦👄Your secret safe with me🙉🙈🙊 - 23
(Miami, Stirling and 95)
5 STAR💋 SOUTH BEACH 💋 2 or 3 GIRL SPECIALS 💋 Brazilian 💋 Come Party 💋 3058963700 💋 Freaky 💋 Sexy 💋 - 21
(Miami, South Beach Brickell kendall)
Ms.Juicy Carmel $30 $30 $30 ss Specials all Night/Morning! - 21
(Detroit, 8 mile & Greenfield In Callz Only!)
◯o° Bubble Booty °o◯ Se✖i -« BADD Bitch▃ ▅ ▆ █ KiLLeR CuRVEs + JUiCY ❥——» - 25
(Austin, Central Austin 290/35)
Lethal Lips(Exotic Ebony)$50$Special 24/7 Satisfaction&Pleasure;, Make me Tapout $50$ 2672344659 - 21
(Philadelphia, Township Line Rd , Upper Darby , Darby)
New Asian Incall only. Arrived Today at 4/20 Young and pretty. 100%real pic. - 20
(91 freeway &downey; ave. bellflower, Bellflower, Long Beach)
( ( ( MEOW>>>wanna see PINK KITTY PURRRR? cum play with A SEX KITTEN WHOS A TIGER IN THE SACK!! - 30
Monday special sexy latina hot 100% real pics $$ 50 kiss me - 25
(Long Beach, 5fwy rosecrans firestone norwalk downey)
Got A SWEET Tooth? This SEXY LATiNA Is Here To SATiSFY All Your Cravings!
(Artesia, Cerritos, Norwalk)
GG SPA -- ALWAYS THE BEST LATINAS @---- --- Gardena City. 5GIRLS 4UChoice OPEN Late - 22
(City of Long Beach, Downtown, GG SPA 14909 S CRENSHAW GARDENA, Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley, Westside)
❤️❤️❤️ BE My valentine!! finish your night off with me sexy snow bunny❤️❤️❤️ - 33
(Long Beach, Long beach..lax..Torrance and carson)
.-:¦:- AMAZiNG -:¦:- KNOCKOUT -:¦:- HoT & -:¦:- CUBAN -:¦:- INDIAN MIX -:¦:- SPECIALS - 20
(Long Beach, 91 & PIONEER)
Bambi's Back Boys!!! The best in the beach is in town call me for the experience of a lifetime!!! - 22
(Carson, long beach/405/22/91/710 fwy)
★ 1OO Special!!! _____ Come *NOW* Leaving *SOON*!!! _____ 1OO Special!!!! ★ - 21
100% satisfaction guaranteed Delicious booty $50 available right now 323-2181683 - 26
(Long Beach, 5fwy Norwalk Downey santa fe spring)
40$$ Platter Special and offering desert..Special - 21
(Long Beach, 91-Pioner /Artesia /605 Norwalk)
Sat 04 Jan
PuRe PlEaSuRe~ ~ ~CrEoLe GoDdEss~ ~ ~SeXy CoMpAnIoN - 22
(Orlando, International Dr/ surrounding areas)
💋💋Your Favorite Sexy FUNSIZED 4'11 Girl Next Door!!! Desiree 4072703459 💋💋 - 23
(Orlando, Orlando - Lake Buena Vista)
Ultra HoT FlawleSS Body Hottie!! ReaL PicS WeLL Reviewed! !ex gymnast! WoW!! - 22
(Orlando, out 2 u)
******Special all weekend 4wks left and I be gone until Oct****** 150 - 28
(Orlanod area outcalls only)
LaTe nIgHt TrEaT... ***NEW*** LucIoUs,SeXy, SweEt, Hot, & LonELy***NEW*** SpAnIsH iTaLIaN !!!~~~ - 22
jus turn 18 yrs old***** DROP! DEAD! GoRgEoUS ?HoTTiE ? 100% PiCs Are ME Or It's FREE!!!!!!!!! - 18
(west orlando/Ocoee/windemere)
HOT SEXY BRUNETTE LATINA curve body,big ass,long black hair, only out call baby - 28
(maitland/sanford/airport area)
>>> ===► D a n g e r o u s l y . . . a DD i c t i v e... P E T I T E BLONDE!!!
(Orlando Airport Area)
65 ~ Relax & Enjoy * Stress Reliever 65* Sweet Chocolate - Slim w/ PHAT AZZ - 25
(Orlando, Off I4 Kirk IDr Comfortable Nice)
WEEKEND SPECIALS❤️M U S T S E E❤️ E X O T I C ❤️ Puerto Rican Beauty 100% REAL - 23
(Northern Virginia, Tyson's corner / Leesburg pike)
* [[ *D A N G E R O U S L Y *]]__[[* S M O K I N H O T B O D Y *]] __ [[* R E A D Y T O P L A Y *]] - 20
🌹🐝 Beautiful 💯% Real LATINA🙈💦Extremely skilled 👍😏✔️ Super Sexy!! 💃Exotic Bombshell� - 22
(Chantilly incall, Northern Virginia)
♡When ONLY the "BEST" will do ♡ Stellar Reviews ♡ SUPER Hot Pics & ACCURATE ♡ BUSTY♡ - 39
(Central Jersey, Jersey Shore, North Jersey, OUTCALLS ONLY, South Jersey)
- - - - - - - - - SWEET AND SEXY BUSTY EBONY PLAYMATE SAVANNAH - - - - - - meadowlands - - - - - 23
(Incall North Jersey rt 3,17,46)
☆.* MoRe ThAn You CaN aSk FoR ☆.* Be§ §pecIaL§ *☆.* Don' MI§§ OU*☆.* - 21