Mon 27 Jan
🌻🌺ŚÏNSūAl CoNNecTion_Ültimate sSweetHeart 👙🎀((Taliah SWeeT))👙🎀985-269-0362 70special ! - 21
(New Orleans, Discreet Location Slidell Covington)
Deals OUTof This World!! i actually entertain** I AM REAL PRETTY AND I PROVE IT?** NO appearance FEE - 23
Latin VIXXEN [[ SALVADORIAN freak ]] BUSTY [[new]] pretty face (.)(.) killer body READY TO PLAY - 24
(San Gabriel Valley, Pasadena|arcadia|monrovia|glendora)
♛ ♥CUTIE♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥HOT ASIAN ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ PETITE ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ SWEET ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ ♛♛ - 22 - 22
(Hollywood, Hollywood BH SM lax outcall only)
**~* Delicious DANIELLA is HERE super SEXY HOTTIE to fulfill your every FANTASY**~** - 23
(Los Angeles, your place xxoo)
Thick Caramel Sexy and Seductive Available All nite and Day Professional and Discreet - 21
(Memphis, Memphis and surrounding areas)
😘✋😌Your New💞💘👠💄💲👗 Fantasy😍👯 And Addiction💋👅👍 - 23
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, Los Angeles/westside/downtown, Orange County, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley)
💎Quality❤ Companionship💋Amazingly Beautiful BBW 🌟 STAR🌟 2Girl AVAIL - 23
(Airport Area INCALL ONLY, Memphis)
——I AM Your Sexy Lover! Girlfriend ♥—— !!♥S_U_P_E_R - S_E_X_Y ♥ F_U_N ♥L_A_T_I_N_A - 19
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, Port area long beach San Pedro Torrance)
💜💜Stunning College Brunette💁🏻 New To Town, Life Of the Party💃💃 - 24
(Austin, North, North Austin 35/183 area)
GORGEOUS and SOPHISTICATED Brunette Beauty. EXPERIENCE The Difference. - 23
(East Memphis/ Germantown)
________ The _ Other _ Woman _______ S s s h h h...... It'll _ Be _ Our _ Little _ Secret _________ - 45
(City of Denver, Denver, ✳️Specials .... DTC/Centennial ✳️)
MS.RAVEN. ...Is Back And better Than Ever...come Here Lets Play!!! - 31
(Louisville, Downtown Louisville)
Monday 60 ▄ ▂ ◆ ♥SUP£R◆ ♥TiiGHT ◆ ♥ ★PuErToRiCaN & bLaCk an IrIsh ♥lets get nasty ◆ ▄ ▆ ▇ - 20
(Long Beach, 91cerritos,bellflower,lakewood,downey)
LOVE ***** LONG ***** HAIR ***** BARBIE ***** PRINCESS ***** LET"S *** PLAY - 18
(Louisville, louisville / surrounding)
LINDA *** Special**(( ))*** LINDA ** Special**( 60) **Ready Now*** - 25
-:¦:- {SeXy}-:¦:- ExOtiC-:¦:- STuNNinG -:¦:- PuErTo RiCaN -:¦:- {CoMPaNiOn} -:¦:-24hrs - 20
👑💋 M.V.P BARBiE DoLL 👸 💎 p€Rf€CtiOn 💎 The A B S O L U T E ✔️B€ST 🌟 💢✋STOP wasting your time🕑 ✔️ - 19
(Long Beach, No Longer Available)
*Sexy Creative, Calif Blonde Ready To Dazzle You! & Light Up Your Life CALL NOW! 720 725 3342 *55* - 55
(Aurora, City of Denver, Denver, denver, aurora incall outcall 2hr Notice)
LaST NiTE!! ((BrUnEttE HoTTiE)) LaSt CHaNCe!! (`'•LuSCiOUs V•'´) UnB€Li€vaBL€ SKILLS & SpECiALs - 25
(Long Beach, Norwalk {605/5} Incall & Outcall)
SExy BlonDe 🐰🐰 YouR Pleasure Is my Purpose. 🎯🎯 Visiting for a Short time!!!!!🎢🎢🎢🌴🌴🌴🌴 - 26
(Denver, Downtown Denver upscale)
L O O K __ HOtTt ~ N ~ PLaYfuL __ (1OO% FuN & SeXy) ___* H.O .T .T .! .E *___ SUNDAY SPEC!'s - 21
(Long Beach, 91..6O5fwys cerr norw down arte In & Out)
"LeT'S Roll Around " N a K eD " !!! CLiCK HERE == > JuiCy BoOTy JaDa !! Come SLIDE oFF mY PaNtiEs - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK 91FWY)
LOVELY MiXXeD BEAUTY zion /// 100% REAL Pics!!! Silky SMOOTH Skin & Available NOW **** SPECIAL **** - 21
(91 fwy in *Artesia*Norwalk incalla only)
LATINA V I X X E N ( BEST in TOWN ) hablo espanol --> clean,sexy,& 100% REAL ~salvadorian hottie~ - 24
Lets Play Together! I Am Ready For Fun!
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
K!nKy MonDaY SPeCiaLs ~~~ BuSTy BLonDe SenSaTioN* ~~~ A MuST SEe ~~~ SiT BaCK and ReLaX ~~~ No RuSH - 21
(Long Beach, Cerritos Norwalk bellflower)
° JuicY BouNcY BoOtY FreAk LeTs MaKe ThiS TiMe InTeReStiNg ° Ready 2 get WiLD!! 200% reaL PIC's - 22
(Long Beach, Artesia,Norwalk,Cerritos,Downey Inn/Outt)
❤ CALL NOW ▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ HOT ▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ SEXY --▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ SWEET▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤AVAILABLE ▐ ▐ ► - 26
(Lake Charles, Lake Charles I do travel)
NEW lady in town well reviewed and verified REDHEAD alway aiming to please - 28
(Lake Charles, sulphur)
1 Of A Kind **1OO% uNrUsHeD ☆ KilLeR CuRvEs & a FaTt K!TtY!!! ► *1OO% SaTiSfAcTiOn - 19
°♥° SexY - BeautifuL - ItaliaN - BeautY - ThaT - LoveS - 2-PlaY - All - NighT - LonG °♥° - 22
(Denver, I-25/I-36 In-Call North Denver Outs Also)
*** :¦:L O O K :¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA: :¦:LOVE:¦: :ME :¦: :¦*** - 24
(van nuys/hollywood)
curious dont be yes we are transexuals we are fulfilling fantasys right now two girl special - 22
(Lake Charles)
Sexy, Charming Nubian Queen - 25
(Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge in/outcalls, Central City / Garden District, Lafayette, Lake Charles, New Orleans)
🌟🌟🌟 Let's make our own firework show!!! 🌟🌟🌟 - 22
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, everywhere, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport)
Tight 🐱 I'm Better Then 👆👆 & 👇👇 Chocolate🍫 With Something Sweet🍭 To Enjoy - 26
((Located in Lake Charles), Lake Charles)
💕❄️💕💕❄️❄️💕★I N C R E D I B L E 💕💕❄️❄️DOLLY ❄️💕❄️❄️💕 in your area !!💕 - 25
(DOWNEY INCALL ONLY !!!, Long Beach)
* @ * I wAnnA feeL iT * @ * = H = O = L = I = D = A = Y * @ specIaL = OPENMINDED - 19
(Long Beach, 91 / PIONEER/ 605/ DOWNEY / BELFLOWER LB)
🍼G 🍼 O🍼T 🍼 🎂🍰🥛❗️MILK❗️🥛🍼🍼❓❔💦 water GODDESS ⚡️ ((FF✨b000Bz))💦🍼💦💦🍼🍼💦🍼🍼🍼🍼 - 27
(2uQUICKLY🍼🍼171/14hwy, Lake Charles)
* *I MaKe DrEaMs CoMe TrUe* *HiGhLY ReQuEsTeD Big BooTy GiRL NeXT DooR 4 U* - - 22
(Long Beach, Norwalk 91fwy)
💋📲💋💜 💋💕💄 ♥ S_E_❌X_❌_❌_Y_ 😍 _ H_O_T_ BUSTY. 😍 B_A_B_E_ ♥ 🌹((Limited time))🌹 - 21
(Lake Charles, Sulphur)