Fri 03 Jan
*Its hot 2day cum taste da KandY Gyrl i LuV REd lollipops SavEr 2 D@ LaST DROP LOL8326678369 - 26
(all over houston, woodlands, 1960,)
Hot, Sweet, Sexy, & Ready 2 Play With A Naughty Boy! Come Join Me! Avail. 24-7! - 26
**It fReaky~ fRiDAy!!! ***aNd i GoT jUsT wHaT yOu nEEd***wE gOt ALL NIGHT tO gEt iT rIgHt*** - 21
(Houston, humble,spring,tomball,woodlands,1960)
***** Its Early Babe... Let me start your day SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS!!! ***** - 21
((Northwest) 290 hwy)
-:¦:- Independent -:¦:- Tantalizing -:¦:- -:¦:- Brunette -:¦:- - 28
(Houston, 45,1960, rankin, spring, katy)
☆ IndiA☆ *100% REAL * 100% SEXY* Incall Special Available 8326707358 - 21
(Houston, 45 north 1960 Woodlands spring 249 290)
💋in/OUTCALLS Funsize ,5ft, 115pds ,DD.crazy mouth watering games💋💋 - 22
(610 Kirby,Almeda(in/out), City of Houston, Houston)
Upscale && Exotic Playmates 346-260-0406 - 18
(Casino Area Prien lake Sulphur Westlake, Lake Charles)
It's Me Fellas " Lia" New Pics Guys!!! Exploding Rates And Excellent Service Call 979-330-5203 Lia - 21
(Houston, Lake Jackson Angleton Freeport Bay City)
Sexy Sweet lly Legal Cutie Visits Wednesday! One Day Only! E! 100% Pics - 18
(Incall & Outrcall Avail)
🌋♥ ♥ I. KN◯W.. JUST. H◯W.. T◯...°•★•°MAKє ...Y◯U.. SMϊLє! ♥ ♥ - 28
(City of Houston, NRG/MEDICAL CENTER/ In/Out)
I -M +++ R -E -A -L -L -Y +++ S -E -X -Y +++ W -I -T -H +++ A +++ B -O -O -T -Y - 21
❤ I ___ LIVE ___ 2 ___ SATISFY ___ THE ___ KING ____ IN ____ U ❤ - 26
I don't want you to come and go. I Want You to Stay! You will gasp but you will last! - 43
HoT ))♥_= C_A_T_C_H = ( ME ) =_♥_= W_H_I_L_E = ( U ) = C_A_N =_ ♥ OUTCALLS And INCALLS - 27
Hi I'm JOY BAYBEE 😍😘 new around 😏looking for ah good time call or text 337 409 9190now - 21
(bush airport area outcalls, City of Houston, Houston)
.__. H _ O _ T _ T .__. & .__. H _ E _ A _ V _ Y .__ . H _ E _ A _T .__. - 21
(Katy surrounding areas)
***** ***** *** *** **** **** *** H-TOWNS ***** FATTEST ~~~~~ N ~~~~ FINEST ~~~~~ BOOTY - 31
(all over houston)
👑Hannah💕NewInTown 💕Exotic 💁🏼SnowBunny 💋 OUTCALLS ONLY‼️ - 22
(All Over 15 min Away, City of Houston, Houston)
Hey guys! Come hang out and let me relieve some of the stress from a hard days work!! - 36
(Northside of Houston)
!!HAPPY HOUR 12-6am**Lets play**Lollipop Specials**Come See Me B4 u go home!!** - 21
(Houston, 45n/1960/ spring/)
Get A Wonderful Full Body Massage By Independent Asian Girl (Incall Only - westheimer rd Area) - 23
(10616 westheimer rd~~~SAKURA)
--** GET OUT of the HOILDAY RUSH!! Come relax with our SPICY LIL ASIAN TOMATOES!! **-- - 21
(miami spa-4505 N HWY 6)
FRAUD!!! FRAUD!!!! A giril is using my photos... Im the real Nyla Maserati check my reviews FRAUD!!! - 20
Freaky Friday special! ready to start weekend off great? EEVEE'S the one ✪ special til 1am - 20
(Houston, SW,ROSENBERG, i10 OUT <40)
Freaky Girl!!!___ Earily Morning____ 34 F 26 36 ____ Available Now _____ 80hh Specials - 26
(Richmond Ave. ..southwest)
_♡ _ (( G O O D ♀ GIRL ★ n a u g h t y ¥ HABITS )) COLLEGE girl ON DUTY - 19
(Houston, SouthEast Houston / Your place)
FREE FREE FREE If It Aint Me... $50 Special LIMITED TIME ONLY Catch Me While u can.. WELL REVIEWED - 27
(Houston, Houston/45/1960/Richey)
(((FREAKY & KINKY MONDAY ===$65===sweet sexy seductive ebony PLAYMATE===Come JOIN ME $65Spcls - 26
(Houston, (59-SouthWest Frwy@Beltway-8) In or Out)
***Everything You Looking For*** SWEET & SEXY *** HOTTIE *** MAKE THE CALL *** - 23
(Houston, 1960, 45N, spring, woodlands, conroe.)
✬ ✬EvEniNg $pecial$ ☆ ★ Rican & Italian ★❤ HiGhly AdDiCtiVe ❤ ★ In & OuTcAlls ★🌙 AvAiLaBle 24/7 ☀ - 23
(Houston, Hobby)
Exotic Latina Young & New in your city looking to have fun💋🌹😍🌹😍!!!!!!!! - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, Houston / Katy, The Woodlands)
** Every ** boys ** Wish ** Every ** Husbands** Secret, ** Every **Mans ** Fantasy - - 18
(Houston, Houston, 45N,2920,WOODLANDS,SPRING 1960,)
(¯` ☆`¯) EVERY -:¦:- MANS -:¦:-FANTASY (¯` ☆`¯) CAN COME TRUE DONT MISS OUT !!!!! - 19
(Houston, sw houston westhimer and beltway 8)
Exotic Bubblebath Together Romantic 5'3 19 107 Kissing No Makeup Natural 832.704.6633 - 19
(Houston, Westheimer I-10 Westchase Ic /Oc)
Cute Face/ Soft Squeezable Ass & Waist/ eXXXtra in Just the Right Place!!! ($6O SpeCiaL) // - 24
(29O/Beltway 8/45 N/ BUSH AIRPORT AREA)
Curvy Bombshell 36DD SeXxiEsT SPANISH MIXED 1OO%Real ! Great - 23
(Houston, HUMBLE 59 N & rankin 90$special)
Call Now Hot new Babe 8329968113 Outcall Special - 21
(Houston, outcall only baytown pasadena e hou galv)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* U WILL -:¦:- NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - 21
(Houston, 1960 incalls....northside)
Can you help me do something? Are you a strong & sexy boy? OH ~~~Yes !! 713-269-1977 - 26
(5003 antoine dr e/713-269-1977)
Call Mz.Good 4 the BEST H*E*A*D* N *Houston 4 Pure Satisfaction. - 19
(Houston, Houston and surrounding areas)
💖❤❤Carmen♥❤❤❤🎯 New ✤ Young # 1 C H O I CE —:¦: Professional~💗~ Sexy ! - 22
(Conroe, Tomball, Spring, Magnolia, Houston, The Woodlands)
** C L A S S Y ** U P S C A L E ** T A L E N T E D ** B R U N E T T E ** - 20
(Houston Southwest, southwest houston)
🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 Bizzy🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 HONEY 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 BEE🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 ON DUTY🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 - 26
(Houston, Baytown Laporte seabrook kemah channelv)
**BIG__ BootIE__ SUpeR__ CUtiE__** COme CElebRAte My 20th__ B-dAY W/ me.. UP aLL NIgHT__ - 20